N2 Wild Coast Toll Highway – Msikaba Bridge (North) Haul/Approach Road Rehabilitation

N2 Wild Coast Toll Highway – Msikaba Bridge (North) Haul/Approach Road Rehabilitation
N2 Wild Coast Toll Highway – Msikaba Bridge (North) Haul/Approach Road Rehabilitation
N2 Wild Coast Toll Highway – Msikaba Bridge (North) Haul/Approach Road Rehabilitation
N2 Wild Coast Toll Highway – Msikaba Bridge (North) Haul/Approach Road Rehabilitation
N2 Wild Coast Toll Highway – Msikaba Bridge (North) Haul/Approach Road Rehabilitation

Project Details

Avenge Grinaker LTA
July 2018 - Dec 2018
Eastern Cape

Project Description

Aveng Grinaker LTA was appointed by SANRAL to construct the 4 km long haul / approach road leading to the Northern end of the Msikaba Bridge site, before handing over to the bridge contractor.

With the haul road completed, rehabilitation of the disturbed areas along the haul road, and other construction areas denuded of vegetation were done.


  • Soil amelioration techniques using dolomitic lime and granular fertilizers
  • Re-vegetation of batter slopes, embankments, cuttings and road verges
  • Re-vegetation of access roads, stockpile areas, spoil areas and borrow pits
  • Supply and Laying of biojute erosion control matting on steeper slopes
  • Rehabilitation of wetland areas through the re-introduction of wetland species

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