N2 Wild Coast Toll Highway – Msikaba Bridge (South) Haul/Approach Road Rehabilitation

N2 Wild Coast Toll Highway – Msikaba Bridge (South) Haul/Approach Road Rehabilitation
N2 Wild Coast Toll Highway – Msikaba Bridge (South) Haul/Approach Road Rehabilitation
N2 Wild Coast Toll Highway – Msikaba Bridge (South) Haul/Approach Road Rehabilitation
N2 Wild Coast Toll Highway – Msikaba Bridge (South) Haul/Approach Road Rehabilitation
N2 Wild Coast Toll Highway – Msikaba Bridge (South) Haul/Approach Road Rehabilitation

Project Details

Aveng Grinaker LTA
July 2018 - Dec 2018
Eastern Cape

Project Description

Aveng Grinaker LTA was appointed by SANRAL to construct the 5.5 km long haul / approach road leading to the Southern end of the Msikaba Bridge site, before handing over to the bridge contractor.

With the haul road completed, Aveng Grinaker LTA sub-contracted Simply Indigenous to rehabilitate the disturbed areas along the haul road, and other construction areas denuded of vegetation.


  • Soil amelioration techniques using dolomitic lime and granular fertilizers
  • Re-vegetation of batter slopes, embankments, cuttings and road verges
  • Re-vegetation of access roads, stockpile areas, spoil areas and borrow pits
  • Supply and Laying of biojute erosion control matting on steeper slopes
  • Rehabilitation of wetland areas through the re-introduction of wetland species

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