Rehabilitation Solutions for Decommissioned Mining Operations

Post-closure Rehabilitation


Landform Re-shaping and Erosion Control

Dust Suppression

Soil Amelioration

Bioengineering Techniques

Landscaping design and implementation

Waterwise landscaping using only indigenous species

Attractive greening solutions

Aesthetically Pleasing Landscaping Solutions
for Private, Corporate and Government Clients


Improving the Ecological Integrity of Natural Resources

Addressing diminishing water quantity and quality

Solid waste clean-up programs

Invasive Alien Plants control and eradication

Biodiversity re-establishment in the riparian zone

Re-introducing passive biofiltering wetland plant species

Erosion control measures and gulley erosion rehabilitation


Pre-construction Botanical surveys and vegetation rescue

Post-construction Slope stabilization using geotextiles

Stormwater management

Hydroseeding on road verges and embankments

Wetland restoration

We provide Environmental Assessments & Rehabilitation Solutions tailored to our clients' needs

Simply Indigenous is a firm based in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, providing a broad range of consultancy and environmental services to both the private and public sector, operating throughout South Africa.

Specialising in the practical implementation of environmental solutions, Simply Indigenous has become a trusted partner to major engineering and construction firms, mining companies, parastatals, municipalities, provincial and national government and conservation organizations.

We have been serving our clients for more than 15 years with strong market positions in Environmental Management and Rehabilitation, and Horticultural expertise.

Landscape Architecture

We design and implement plant landscaping solutions
for government, corporate and private entities

Environmental Rehabilitation Projects

Rehabilitation & restoration of degraded environments & natural resources

Grassing / Hydroseeding

Vegetation establishment solutions for newly
constructed developments & linear infrastructure projects

Project Management

Projects completed throughout RSA in diverse environments and in remote locations

Our Clients

Through our innovative and effective environmental solutions, our company drives the demand for green products and services

Your partner specialising in environmental assessments & rehabilitation solutions

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