Manglemang Asbestos Mine Rehabilitation

Manglemang Asbestos Mine Rehabilitation
Manglemang Asbestos Mine Rehabilitation
Manglemang Asbestos Mine Rehabilitation
Manglemang Asbestos Mine Rehabilitation
Manglemang Asbestos Mine Rehabilitation

Project Details

Jan - Aug 2015 (8mths)

Project Description


The primary objective of this project was to protect the surrounding community from the residual hazards of asbestos mining and processing at the farm Baviaanskop 373 in the district of Lebowakgomo, Limpopo Province. This includes exposure to asbestos fibres by providing rehabilitation methods and remediation measures to safely contain the asbestos residue deposits (waste rock dumps, finer deposits and other residue), processing facilities as well as addressing health and safety concerns by the provision of safe closure of open adits and shafts.

 Overview of the works:

The contract comprised the construction of concrete capping structures, storm water management controls (e.g. compacted earth berms and channels), erosion protection measures (e.g. hyson cells), vegetation establishment, fencing and ancillary works. Temporary works included the construction and rehabilitation of an access road.


  • Design, construct and rehabilitate a temporary access road, ensuring easy access to and from the site location during the construction period.
  • Design and construction of laydown areas for materials.
  • Design and construction of funicular system for transportation of heavy materials to steeper areas on site.
  • Clear and grub areas demarcated for cover provision.
  • Surface excavation, shaping and compaction conducted on area specified to establish slope.
  • Importation and stockpiling of G5 and topsoil material.
  • Backfill of shafts/ adits using waste rock and construction of concrete capping structures to adits and shafts.
  • Stone pitching and construction of concrete water diversion channels.
  • Construct vegetated earth berms and channels up slope of rehabilitation areas.
  • Laying of biojute sandbags, filled with specified mixture of G5, topsoil, manure, and Cynodon grass seed.
  • Top soiling and compaction to specified areas and laying of biojute biodegradable erosion control matting.
  • Supply and vegetate topsoil area to the vegetation specification standards.
  • Irrigation to vegetated area to promote growth.
  • Supply and erect permanent fencing and access gates to specified area as demarcated on construction drawings
  • Continuous dust suppression measures at all relevant area’s during all phases of construction to prevent asbestos fibres from becoming airborne.

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