Ditabogong Asbestos Mine Rehabilitation

Ditabogong Asbestos Mine Rehabilitation
Ditabogong Asbestos Mine Rehabilitation
Ditabogong Asbestos Mine Rehabilitation
Ditabogong Asbestos Mine Rehabilitation
Ditabogong Asbestos Mine Rehabilitation

Project Details

April - Aug 2015 (5mths)

Project Description


This mine site is situated within the Mafefe village in the Limpopo Province.

The goal of this project was to provide a sustainable solution to the hazard of asbestos exposure and other consequential mining related hazards. The prevention of asbestos fibres becoming airborne and/or waterborne is of highest concern. The solution adopted was to provide capping and erosion protection to the dump which lies within a 1:100 year floodline. It was also to seal the entrance of the shaft as its stability is unknown and hazardous to the local community.


The contract comprised the capping and erosion protection of the facility by the use of a reno mattress cover, sealing off the entrance to shaft, re-vegetation, fencing and ancillary works.


The main purpose of the earthworks was to encapsulate any exposed asbestos fibres and to prepare the area for gabion basket installation and re-vegetation. The earthworks consisted of:

  • Creating access roads within the site.
  • Demolition of existing structures containing asbestos materials
  • Drill, supply and install rock anchors to the surface area of the mine shaft entrance.
  • Clear and grub area demarcated for capping.
  • Surface excavation, shaping and compacting conducted on demarcated area, to establish maximum slope and provide a smooth and even surface for reno mattress placement.
  • Excavation, shaping, surface preparation and compaction of trench conducted on perimeter of the demarcated area for the placement of the gabion basket wall.
  • Importation of G5 material and topsoil to be used for backfill and compaction.
  • Continuous dust suppression measures at all relevant area’s during all phases of construction, so as to prevent asbestos fibres from becoming airborne.

Gabions and Pitching

  • Installed, filled and grouted gabion basket wall at the mine shaft entrance.
  • Installed geofabric (A4 bidim) in gabion wall trench, and on the remaining footprint of the demarcated areas.
  • Installed 160 gabion baskets (1000mm x 1000mm x 1000mm) in trench.
  • Installed 297m³ of reno mattresses (6000mm x 2000mm x 170mm) over demarcated asbestos dump area.

Re-vegetation and Fencing

  • Place, shape and compact topsoil layer to the entire footprint of reno mattress area.
  • Re-vegetation of the topsoil area to the vegetation specification standards.
  • Supply and install Bio-degradable soil blanket (Biojute) over top-soiled footprint.
  • Water vegetated area to promote growth.
  • Supply and erect permanent fencing and access gates around the perimeter of the rehabilitated area

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